I have seen how puny your application if you are SERIOUS about being apart of this site and have an actual character you need to do the folowing...
1.) Go BACK into the rules and information board and look at EVERY single rule in there!
2.) Look at the actual template for making a character and read EVERY single guideline in it!
3.) Change your character name to something that is an ACTUAL name!
4.) Make your description longer, more creative, original, and most important of all DETAILED!
5.) Make your History much longer than it is and if you are going to be reserving the right for a starter you need to tell a detailed story about how you had met said pokemon!
6.) You need to make your Personality longer.
7.) You need to make your application a WHOLE lot longer than it already is.
8.) By using the knowledge of the guidelines and rules you must be creative, original so your application/character is all your own, Make it detailed so everyone knows what your character looks like. And most important of all you need to be serious as well as having fun with it as well as making it long enough.
IF you need some examples go to the ones that HAVE successfully been accepted and you will know what is expected from the members when they do a application for their said characters, the more that is in it the more you will gain!