((*Blinks* I know that, but Raven doesn't...
The truth is, I thought mods were supposed to come in and RP in this, control what your Pokemon does, or something? I guess not...))
The large Pidgey chirped, before flapping it's wings hard, and sand instantly went flying all around.
Raven watched as she did this. "Aw, so you know sand attack! That's good, do you know anything else?"
Grace nodded it's head, and took to the air. She had decided to show Raven her other attack... by ramming her to the ground. "Ouch! So, you know Tackle then..." after getting up and dusting herself off, she decided they were done for now. "Want to go catch us a friend?" She asked. Grace chirped in responce. "Alright! Let's go!"
((Wow, I got bored with this quickly... I want to go catch a Pokemon right now!))