Fraser is 12 years old He wears a dark trench coat with stains on them. He is 4 foot 11 with dark boot's. The laces on the boots are messed up and scrambled.He wears a dark brown hat that hides his face.No one knows what his face looks like he hides his face under his hat. He was born in a horrid world that lurked with only one pokemon. Giratina! he was born in the distortion world with Giratina. No one know's who his mother is or his father or if he evne has one. All they know his he was born and raised in the distortion world with the lgendary pokemon Giratina. He was born in the distortion world with only Giratina by his side. Giratina became fond of the baby and protected him from danger. Soon Fraser became old enough to harness the power of a trainer. Giratina knew it was time also so he opened a dimension leading to the earth realm. There Fraser Began to look for pokemon but he had no Poke Balls! He asked the man in the Poke Mart if he could have one pokeball for free the man agreed and gave Fraser the ball. He wandered into the deep grass and found a Gastly he threw his poke ball then it was caught. He then came upon a town called twinleaf town. He then came upon a scientst called professor oak who was visiting from pallet town. Fraser is a quiet person, when near others. He doesn't have emotions towards other's at all.But when alone he is happy and playful with his pokemon companion.He learned how to care for gastly and care's for his pokemon dearly. If anything of happened to his gastly he would take it to the extreme to save his gastly. His pokemon team consists of only a lvl. 5 Gastly but he understands that one day his Gastly will grow up to be a powerful Gengar. He is a low lvl pokemon but his Gastly is like no other his Gastly has powerful ghost moves like Shadow Force and Shadow Claw.