Trace Pictus and Leonardo (a Smeargle) traveled down the long and winding road from their bus stop. "Oh boy, Smeargle! Just think of all the Pokemon we'll encounter on our journey! Bird Pokemon, fish Pokemon..." Trace said enthusiastically, and went on and on. Smeargle smiled and waved his tail around in a circle with his hands, whistling. "I wager that there will be lots and lots of battles on the way to the Elite Four, so we'll need to be prepared!" Trace said. "Smeargle, smeargle!" barked Leonardo, and they continued down the road into town.
"Say, I've never been into town, have you, Leo?" Trace asked, and Leonardo nodded. "I've always stayed near the woods, painting and drawing- that's how I met you!" Trace said with a smile, and Leonardo grinned. "Well, we're here," Trace said, and they stepped inside the small town's limits. Trace turned to look back at the bus stop, and could see the little red and white leaving to make it's next stop. He had to make at least ten bus transfers just to get here. They came upon a Pokemon playground, where kids with their Pokemon were playing and training together. "I bet we could warm up here, Leo. What do you think?" Trace asked, and Smeargle nodded. So the pair ran out into the playground, and began their training to get stronger. Well, at least Smeargle would.