Aaron awakens and glances to the alarm clock on the Oak Bedside table, '9:30am' it read, "Woohoo! I can finally begin my Pokemon Journey!" "And seen as my dad has already given me a Chimchar... I'm set to go!". Aaron's mum bursts in "Aaron! Oh, Your already awake..." said Aaron's Mum, "Yeah! And I'm set to go!" yelled Aaron enthusiasticly. "Hold on one second! You haven't got your Pokeballs and Pokedex from Pro. Oak yet?!" Aaron's mum said. "My what?" questioned Aaron, "Don't worry, Your'll find out, Now get dressed". Aaron Gets dressed into his usual attire, And runs down the stairs. "Don't you want breakfast?!" His mum yelled, "No Thanks" Aaron yelled speeding out the door, Beginning a Journey he will never forget.